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Cultural Sector

Since 2020, in collaboration with arts and culture experts, we have offered audio description (AD) services fulfilling the specific needs of the museum sector.


We offer audio description (AD) for museum objects of all kinds (sculpture, installations, pictures, artifacts), and provide context for collections and exhibition spaces, with audio described tours and descriptive introductions.

Towards greater cultural accessibility

Museums, science centers, heritage sites, interpretation centers, libraries and archives are all institutions that we can support in their approach to accessibility, following an efficient process adapted to unique realities.


We make exhibitions and collections accessible, both on site and online. We also help communications teams improve accessibility.


In consultation with arts and culture experts, our authors strive to share accurate representations of museum objects. We work with museum teams to create inclusive and enriching experiences for all.


« Technoleads nous a permis d'atteindre un très haut niveau de qualité en matière de contenu accessible. En collaboration étroite avec le personnel du Musée, ils ont su retenir des mots qui correspondent à la pratique de l’artiste présenté. Nous nous sommes sentis en grande confiance! »

– Yaël Filipovic, Directrice de l'éducation et de l'engagement, Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal

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